Monday, July 7, 2008

We Have What We Seek

"We have what we seek. It is there all the time, and if we give it time, it will make itself known to us."--Thomas Merton
For several days I’d been admiring the frilly, pink beauty of the Mimosa trees in full bloom and had been looking for a tree to photograph. Mimosa’s are quite plentiful in this area but somehow the right tree proved elusive. Either they were so large that the lower branches were not accessible to my lens or the location of the tree made it impossible to access. Then one day, I took a short cut to work and there, just steps from my office, was the most glorious tree, in full bloom. A wonderful lesson that often what you need is within reach, you just need to take a slightly different path.--Sue Ivy


Elaine Luddy Klonicki said...

What a wonderful, sage piece of advice. I'm going to ponder that one with respect to the work that I'm trying to do. I love these inspirational thoughts that you are adding in addition to the quotes!


Enchanted Forrest said...

Thanks Elaine! I credit Linda with the idea to include backstories on some of the photographs. I think it's a nice way to include a bit of my own voice.